Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Sonography also called ultrasonography is an ultrasound based imaging technique used for seeing body structures such as, muscles, joints, tendons and internal organs. When examining pregnant woman this technique is called obstetric ultrasonography. A certificate or degree from an accredited program and obtaining a state issued license are common requirements for this career choice.
There are probably more pros than cons for an active ultrasonographer these days. One being, a high earning potential. The average salary for sonographers was $75,560 per year (source: http://sonographersalarydata.com). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also notes that the top 10 percent of earners make at or above $91,070 a year. Another pro in this field is the importance of the role the sonographer plays in the patients treatment. Technicians are trained to use advanced technology and conduct internal imaging of pregnant women and patients dealing with cancer or other internal diseases. Sonographers examine images and provide the necessary scans to doctors who use them to make accurate diagnosis of patients conditions.

A few cons worth mentioning are constant movement and high demands. These can turn some would be students. In all honesty though, these actions are not terribly demanding. The heaviest lifting includes lifting and moving equipment and sometimes patients. You will spend most of the day on your feet, sometimes bending or reaching down. It is also can be a high pressure job. Missed observations or a botched scan can lead to misdiagnosis or failure to notice new health problems.
Sanford-Brown offers a Certificate Program in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. In this program students have the opportunity to study anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of scanned organ systems. Students also learn procedures for a thorough survey of scanned organs and relay this information to the patients physician. Sanford-Browns medical ultrasonography courses prepare you for an exciting career in a growing field.